Ways parents can improve their child’s eating habits

Early childhood is when eating habits are formed. Researchers have found that eating habits can persist into adolescence and even into adulthood. In a study, we compared the diets of children aged 2 to 3 years with their mothers.

We also examined what mothers ate while pregnant to determine which period was most important in influencing the diet of a child. The relationship between what mothers ate during pregnancy and their toddlers’ food intake was strong.

Also, we found that the eating habits of dads were linked to what their children aged between primary and secondary school ate. Assisting dads to improve their lifestyle and act as role models for their kids were associated with lower intakes in total sugars, sodium, and nutrient-poor, energy-dense foods (aka junk food) and higher intakes in nutrient-dense (healthy foods).

Read more: Health Check: how to get kids to eat healthy food

When the dads ate better, the children ate better. This was particularly the case for fruit intake, non-meat sources of protein, and the frequency of eating meals that contained vegetables.

To develop healthy eating habits, it is important to act as a role model. You can show your child how to eat healthy without forcing them. It is called the “Parents provide, Children decide principle.”” When a child doesn’t feel hungry for a meal, they won’t eat as much. But if you schedule meals and snacks in advance, the next time around, they are more hungry.

Food for growing brains

Children’s food and drink provide them with nutrients for brain and growth development. A better dietary pattern is associated with better school performance. This is especially true for children who regularly consume breakfast, eat less junk food, and have a more nutritious diet.

In an Australian study of over 4,000 children aged between 8 and 15 years, eating habits were compared with National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy scores ( NAPLAN). The study found that more frequent consumption of dinner was associated with better test scores in spelling and writing. The study also found that more frequent consumption was linked to lower test scores for reading, writing, and grammar.

In a survey of over 100 Australian parents, we found that the majority had attempted to improve the nutritional value of the food their children consumed. Parents tried to enhance the healthiness of their children’s diet by increasing fruit and vegetable intake or reducing sugary foods.

Parents were concerned about the eating habits of their children. Many parents wanted to know more about how to encourage and positively talk about food. They wanted to learn more about helping their children maintain and develop a healthy lifestyle.

Read more: Should I let my kids drink juice? We asked five experts

Research has found kids eat more veggies if you’re at the table with them. from www.shutterstock.com

What can parents do to help?

1. Variety of healthy foods

It is important to increase your child’s nutrient intake by increasing the variety of foods and drinks they consume. Use the feedback from the Healthy Eating quiz to improve the scores for your entire family.

2. Introduce a ‘new’ variety of vegetables and fruits

When a child is introduced to a brand new food, they may first say “yucky.”” This is a common reaction to anything new or unknown. As a parent, it can be frustrating – but this is normal.

Pairing new foods with old favorites can be a great way to experiment. Researchers offered two types of chips to children aged 10-12 (one familiar and one new) in an experiment. In an investigation, researchers showed some of these children a normal dip to go along with the chips. Others were given a new drop. The children who were offered a customary fall were more inclined to try the fresh food. Try it at home.

Split sweet potatoes and potatoes into small pieces. Line a baking pan with baking paper. Spray with oil and then add the wedges. Spray again. Turn frequently in the hot oven until soft. Serve with low-salt/low-sugar tomato sauce.

Read more: Hate vegetables? You might have super-taster genes!

3. Be a healthy eating role model

Monkey See, Monkey Do. You and your family will benefit when you eat foods that you would like to see them eating.

4. Set meal and snack time and eat together as a family.

Parents and caregivers should share meals at the table with their children and adolescents. Parents can talk to their children about nutrition and other topics.

The benefits of eating family meals include improved health and well-being for children and adolescents. Shared family meals at least three times per week can help children maintain a healthy weight and have better eating and dietary habits.

Higher intake Of Fruit, Vegetables, and Dairy Foods in Adolescence is Associated with Parents or Caregivers Present at Evening Meals.

5. Ask for some help

Even knowing where to look for help can be difficult. Australian data show that even in families with a child who is overweight or obese and has visited a health clinic, only a small number of families receive advice or are referred to another health professional.