Artificial sweeteners linked with diabetes and obesity

In order to improve their citizens’ health, many countries have implemented a tax on sugar. Food and beverage companies have changed their products so that they now use low- and zero-calorie sweeteners in place of sugar. There is growing evidence to suggest that sweeteners can have their health effects.

A new study presented at the annual Experimental Biology Conference in San Diego found that rats who consumed artificial sweeteners had a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity. Do we have to give up sweeteners and sugar as well?

Sweeteners, in general, are “non-nutritive,” meaning that we cannot use them as energy. These compounds can be entirely synthetic and are produced to mimic sugar. Some of these include sucralose, aspartame, and saccharin. Other sweeteners, like stevia and aspartame, are refined from plant chemicals. Sweeteners are consumed in greater quantities, with many diet and low-calorie foods and drinks containing non-nutritive sweeteners.

Fighting or fueling the obesity crisis?

The worldwide obesity crisis has led to a rise in the popularity of artificially sweetened food and beverages. Sweet foods and drinks contain a lot of calories, as sugar has four calories per grain. By removing the calories, we can reduce our energy intake. This helps prevent weight gain.

Evidence is mounting that suggests consumption of artificially sweetened foods may be linked to an increased likelihood of being overweight or obese. This, however, remains controversial. It would seem that sweeteners are fuelling obesity rather than fighting it. According to research, eating artificial sweeteners can cause the bacteria in the gut to scramble, making our bodies more tolerant of glucose.

Read more: Artificial sweeteners may make you fat.

The new research from the Medical College of Wisconsin and Marquette University looked at some biological effects of sweeteners in rats and cell cultures. They wanted to know if artificial sweeteners affect how food is used and stored. These are called metabolic changes, and the research combined many different aspects of metabolism to build an overall picture.

The team studied the effect of sweeteners and how they affect the cells of the inner linings of blood vessels.

Scientists fed rats foods high in sugar (glucose and fructose) or artificial sweeteners without calories (aspartame, acesulfame, and potassium). Both groups of rats showed significant negative changes after three weeks. These changes included blood lipids and fats.

Artificial sweeteners can alter the way your body processes fat. ADA_photo/

The researchers also discovered that acesulfame, potassium, and other compounds accumulated in blood, damaging the cells that line the vessels. These changes, according to the study’s authors, are “linked with obesity and diabetes.” These results indicate that sweeteners can alter the way your body uses fat to get energy

Limit your intake

What does it mean for the average artificial sweetener consumer? It would be incorrect to draw conclusions based on the results of this study, which was conducted in animals rather than humans. The study’s findings add to a growing body of evidence that suggests sweeteners may not be a benign alternative to sugar.

The European Food Safety Authority recommends that the daily limit for most artificial sweeteners is around five milligrams of sugar per kilogram of weight per day. It is easy to exceed this limit, as so many foods now contain artificial sweeteners.

All sweeteners do not have the same effects. Like most research studies that have identified negative effects, this recent study focused on artificially produced sweeteners. Some sweeteners have health benefits.

Stevia has been shown to increase blood pressure and glucose tolerance, while xylitol was established to help prevent tooth decay. It is, therefore, more important to choose the sweetener you use than sugar.